Here at Appalachian Botanical, we are buzzing with excitement as we get ready to celebrate National Honeybee Day on August 21! We love our bees!
Bees are typically thought of as annoying, “bugging” us by hovering over our picnic plates, or they are considered threatening because of their ability to sting. Bees keep company with other pollinating animals such as birds, bats, butterflies and moths--who are also given the bad rap. However, pollinators’ benefits outweigh their disadvantages, and we want to celebrate our buzzy, black and yellow allies by highlighting their amazingness!
Busy Bees

Every single day, bees are hard at work contributing to the biosphere. Every day, they positively contribute to both agriculture and wild ecosystems. Their main accomplishment is successfully transporting pollen from plant to plant. *Fun fact* 90% of flowering plants depend on pollinators, which ensures our planet’s flora diversity. The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge website reminds us that ONE in THREE bites of food that we eat each day is the result of a plant’s interaction with a pollinator. Pollinators also prevent soil erosion and are responsible for contributing to one half of the world’s oils, fibers and raw materials. See? They are not called “busy bees” without very good reason!
How Sweet It Is

Lest we forget, bees are in danger for their own survival. Factors such as disease, mites, irresponsible pesticide use, and habitat loss can disrupt the balance of a honeybee hive, which is why it’s important to beekeep safely. West Virginia has a very active apiary industry and we are proud to be a registered beekeeper with the state. West Virginia was one of the first states, in fact, to establish best management practices for the apiary industry and has adopted labeling rules for others to follow. Our apiary, located on our farm in Ashford, produces a wonderful variety of seasonal honeys. We can tell you exactly where our honey comes from, as the golden goodness we sell is produced exclusively by the bees that forage in our lavender fields!
ABCo will have our highly sought-after West Virginian Lavender Honey, as well as a raw multi-floral variety in stock within the next several weeks.
Bee Kind to Our Flying Friends
So “bee kind” to our winged friends next time you encounter one. They are our friends! In addition to preserving the balance of the planet (important), they produce amazingly delicious honey (also important). We leave you with suggestions for ways you can celebrate National Honeybee Day. Remember: you personally can help pollinators not just survive, but thrive.
- Spread the word about the importance of pollinators! To teach young kids about how bees help our world, download a Young Beekeepers Coloring Book, courtesy of the West Virginia Department of Agriculture.
- Support local farmers and beekeepers by buying their produce and honey.
- Plant a pollinator garden. Choose native, non-invasive plant species that provide nectar and pollen sources.
- Plant sustainably. Eliminate the impact of pesticides, and conserve water. Think “less lawn, more garden.”

MEET THE AUTHOR / TINA TUMINELLA is a writer from Pittsburgh, PA who thinks of herself as an eater, talker, music-lover, mommy, francophile, and obsessive recycler. She bakes sweet things regularly, rides bikes and hikes with her family, and is a sucker for a pun. Her favorite product: Organic Lavender Cream